Sunday, September 15, 2013

IRB Intro Post: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

“The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.” Seeing these words on the cover of blink, my anticipation to read this book heightened. There’s nothing too captivating or revolutionary about this phrase, but it certainly caught my attention. I have always had an idea of who Malcolm Gladwell was; aware of his unique ability to view the world from a different angle than the rest of us, but I never reached the point of actually reading one of his books. Therefore, blink will be an introduction to his writing.
            The book sleeve revealed the plot of blink, which is essentially the analysis of Warren Harding’s election, New Coke, and the shooting of Amadou Diallo by police. Gladwell uses these events to look at the mechanics of decision-making; why some people are able to find success by following their instincts, while others consistently fall short of their aspirations.

            I hope mainly to learn something about myself from reading this. I feel like Gladwell’s purpose in analyses like blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers is to teach the world what we are doing right and what were are doing wrong, and to offer some guidance to improve our society. I’m not sure if the moral is included at the end of the story, but I think I will still learn something of importance.

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