Sunday, January 12, 2014

TOW # 15: Speed ad - Mistakes by the New Zealand Transportation Agency

No one’s perfect. People make mistakes in all parts of life, and the road is no exception, shown in an advertisement by the New Zealand Transportation Agency. This commercial begins with a shot showing a father at the stop sign of a three-way intersection, with his son in the back seat. As he pulls out, a car going about 70 km/h over the speed limit comes jetting down the road. Before making contact, times is suspended, and the two drivers get out of their cars. Realizing what is inevitably going to happen, they are at first angry at each other, but then become apologetic as they realize they have both made mistakes. The scene concludes when they get back into their cars, and time recommences, thus causing a crash.

            I found this video on the transportation agency’s YouTube channel, and it seems to be the only place it exists. Therefore, the context would be YouTube, and in a broader sense, the internet. This approach may be an attempt to connect to as many people as possible. This is the most effective context, since the scene could happen not just in New Zealand, but in any country. Moreover, the purpose seems to be to show the dangers of driving over the speed limit in order to promote safer driving. The target audience, therefore, would be people guilty of speeding who justify their actions by arguing they are in control. This video demonstrates how no amount of control will allow you to react quickly enough in certain situations, if you are speeding. The New Zealand Transportation Agency aims to provide an “affordable, integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable land transport system,” as stated on their website. They also mention that they plan and fund land transport. Given the purpose of their organization, they seem like a credible source for commenting on driving issues. Because of this and the powerful advertisement that is concise, clear, and universally applicable, I think their purpose was achieved.

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