Wednesday, March 12, 2014

TOW # 21: Advertisement for Bergmann Funeral Service

Today, advertisements are drastically different from what they once were a few decades ago. Advertising agencies have developed a large arsenal of techniques that they use to persuade every type of audience, and the most popular seems to be the ads that use humor, and the ads that engage its audience. Both of these tactics are used in a subway station advertisement by Bergmann Funeral Service that reads, “Come a little closer.” Considering the fact that it is on the wall across from the platform, on the other side of the tracks, it is quite a unique poster.
This advertisement is unique in that it relies on humor to promote a service that is generally lacking in laughter. It cleverly uses its context to create a shocking ad by jokingly suggesting the readers to “Come a little closer” and put themselves in a life-threatening situation, this advertisement catches people’s attention and compels them to read the rest of the advertisement’s information. This may not be sit well with everyone who reads it, but because a subway station sees a diverse array of people, there are bound to be those who laugh.

The Bergmann Funeral Service, a company that presumably operates in a city, is taking a risk with this advertisement. While it is certainly a creative approach to achieving its purpose, which is primarily to get people to use their services, there is a greater chance that people will take offense, and therefore avoid their company. Personally, it did not achieve its purpose, since I don’t find humor in making fun of death, whatever the circumstances. However, there are undoubtedly many who do find this ad amusing, and would consider using the Bergmann Funeral Service, should they ever need to. Hopefully, it won’t have anything to do with this poster.

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